Возможные способы добраться на другой берег в одну сторону:
- автобусом от автовокзала на 42 улице - 3.30 доллара
- поездом от Пенн стейшн - скорее всего можно
- водное такси от Всемирного торгового центра - 4 доллара
- водное такси от 39 улицы - около 10 долларов
The bike tour to the Randall's Island yesterday was a hard thing for my softer parts, so the ride to New Jersey City was cancelled. Walking was still ok, so here is the story.
There are four ways I know to the other side of the Hudson river:
- by bus from the Port Authority in the 42nd street - 3.30 USD
- by train from the Penn station - it is definitely possible, but I don't have any information based on experience
- by NY water taxi from the WTC Pier to NJ City - 4 USD
- by NY water taxi from the 39th street to Hoboken - around 10 USD
The bike tour to the Randall's Island yesterday was a hard thing for my softer parts, so the ride to New Jersey City was cancelled. Walking was still ok, so here is the story.
There are four ways I know to the other side of the Hudson river:
- by bus from the Port Authority in the 42nd street - 3.30 USD
- by train from the Penn station - it is definitely possible, but I don't have any information based on experience
- by NY water taxi from the WTC Pier to NJ City - 4 USD
- by NY water taxi from the 39th street to Hoboken - around 10 USD
Дошли до WTC, сели в водное такси, прокатились с ветром, посмотрели на отъезжающий родной остров. Съели пиццу, поискали кофе, не нашли кофе, погуляли по набережной Нью-Джерси Сити, неожиданно дошли до Хобокена, посмотрели на симпатичный вокзал там, походили по пирсам.
So we went to the WTC Pier, bought the one-way tickets, looked at Manhattan with eyes full of island love. New Jersey pizza - check, coffee - not found, Hoboken - check, Hoboken train station - check and A+ in cuteness, piers - check and awwwww.
So we went to the WTC Pier, bought the one-way tickets, looked at Manhattan with eyes full of island love. New Jersey pizza - check, coffee - not found, Hoboken - check, Hoboken train station - check and A+ in cuteness, piers - check and awwwww.
The area looked quiet, a little bit like Catalonia and some outlying districts in St. Petersburg. The whole thing is more like having a family and making the week-end shopping for the week and going out to the playgrounds and parks, than Manhattan and its grab-a-coffee-but-fast-please. The child-friendly-ness also covers some adults: if you don't know, what the traffic light signals are, they will always help you:
Дошли до пирса, от которого уходят водные такси к 39 улице, а последнее ушло прямо перед нами: по субботам ходят и ночью, а в воскресенье и будние дни последнее уходит в 20:22.
Медленно холодало.
When me made it to the next water taxi pier to get to the 39th street it already was 8:30 pm, and the last one departed at 8:22 pm. There still are some night water taxis on Saturdays, so there is still a chance of a party someday. But this time it was getting cold and with no taxi cabs in sight.
When me made it to the next water taxi pier to get to the 39th street it already was 8:30 pm, and the last one departed at 8:22 pm. There still are some night water taxis on Saturdays, so there is still a chance of a party someday. But this time it was getting cold and with no taxi cabs in sight.
Конец истории прекрасен как американская мечта: выпили фанты и тормознули автобус. 3,30 за человека, за 10 минут доехали до милого Манхеттушки.
I love the end of this story as people love the american dream: there was a bus with a very nice driver, who stopped after my hopeless waving. 3,30 for each, and 10 minutes later we were on the home island.
I love the end of this story as people love the american dream: there was a bus with a very nice driver, who stopped after my hopeless waving. 3,30 for each, and 10 minutes later we were on the home island.
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